When referring to John 20:28, a Jehovah's witness once asked me to determine the precise moment when Thomas learned of Christ's true identity. It was at that instant, in John 20:28, that the disciple Thomas, upon the realization that he was in the presence of the risen Christ, cried out to Him, "my Lord and my God!" The purpose of the witness in posing such a question was to cast doubt in my belief that Christ was indeed the God of Thomas, as never before had any disciple uttered such an intense and distinct testimony to this effect. Perhaps Thomas did not wholly recognize Christ early in His ministry as I had once supposed. Perhaps understanding this is key to unlocking His identity within our hearts as we too struggle to come to know Him. Just before receiving his sentence of death, John the Baptist sent his own disciples to inquire of Christ, “are you the Coming One, or are we to expect a different one?” Christ gave a fascinating and clear response which disclosed the fullest revelation which He had uttered thus far. John wanted to know if Christ was the awaited anointed one, though he was the nearest firsthand witness to God's testimony about the Son during His baptism. Christ's response was quiet and understandable only to a knowledgeable, faithful Jew. This quiet response was necessary to avoid capture by any soldiers who may have overheard. Christ was not quick to reveal His full identity to any of His disciples and certainly John the Baptist was no exception. In His final words to John before John's death, He opened his eyes to the reality that He was not merely the appointed Messiah, but that He indeed was also the God who Israel awaited; He who was to come personally and redeem His people.
John's inquiry into Christ's identity was a response to the works which Christ had been performing throughout Galilee. Jesus' response was a quotation of a passage of Isaiah which identifies Him as the God of Israel. Christ instructs the messengers to report back to John that:
"The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.” (verses 5-6; NIV)
He likely did not answer directly because the guards would have overheard and seized Him before His time, but again, His response was sharp and evident to the educated Jew. Being the son of the priest Zechariah (Cf. Luke 1:67-79), John was sure to know well the prophecy of the coming one as recorded by Isaiah:
"say to those with fearful hearts, ‘Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.’ Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert." (Isaiah 35:4-6)
It is the common consensus that it was precisely at the moment of baptism when Jesus had become the Christ, as He did receive an anointing to at least one position at this time. Although it was John the Baptist who baptized Jesus, he was still left with uncertainty when upon his death he felt encouraged to send messengers to inquire as to whether He genuinely was the Christ. John of all people should have known if, of course, Christ was ever so bold about revealing His identity.
Some are quick to question why Christ would not just speak boldly and clearly reveal Himself as God if God were what in fact He is. On the contrary, there are numerous instances which prove that He was rarely conspicuous, that He was more inclined to let the revelation of Himself unfold at a pace no faster than the one who received it could accept it. In Matthew 8:1-4, He instructed the man who He had cleansed of leprosy to tell nobody; in Matthew 17:9, He warned Peter, James, and John to tell nobody of the transfiguration until after He was raised from the dead. In Matthew 16:20, He strictly charged His disciples to tell nobody that He was the Christ. The disciples, however, were not the first to recognize Him as the Christ; He cast out demons because they recognized Him (Cf. Mark 1:34).
In Matthew 16:16, we read of Peter's confession in response to Christ's question of His identity. Peter professed Him to be "the Christ, the Son of the Living God"; at this point, Peter had only received a part of the revelation, though we now have access to the completed ministry. We have the final revelation which was unfolding before the disciples. This is the first time in which Peter had referred to the Lord with the Messianic title "Christ," and His response explains that it could only have been revealed to him by the Father. This is the only instance in which any of the disciples referred to Christ as the Son of God, but He is called such by the Father, by unclean spirits (Mark 5:7), by Jewish authorities (Mark 14:61, in a question), and by a Roman soldier (Mark 15:39). Being such a provocative moment for Christian formation, it only fits that this occurred on the Day of Atonement, the only day in which the High Priest could fearlessly utter the Divine Name. The High Priest's confession was not much unlike Peter's; God's Name reveals His nature as powerful and authoritative just as this role as the Messianic King, "the Christ," the Son of the living God.
This verse is a favorite among anti-Trinitarians; Peter confessed Christ not as "God" but as God's Son which indicates to those who oppose the Trinity a distinction between God and His Son. Peter's confession, however, does not detract from the Trinity. This is not a moment to downgrade Christ's Divine nature, but to enhance His human role. A brief study of the eternal generation of the Son will offer insight into how Methodist commentator Adam Clarke felt justified in claiming that this verse was Peter's confession of Christ's Divinity. Before this occasion, Peter had never made such a clear recognition of Christ's identity.
When a hemorrhaging woman within the crowds reached out and touched Christ, she was healed (Luke 8:45). When Christ recognized that healing power had come forth from Him, He said, "who touched me?” Peter's understanding of this response was still so veiled that he held reservations about Christ, saying, “Instructor, the crowds are hemming you in and pressing against you.” In other words, "of course someone bumped into you, but how could we possibly find out who?" Peter did not understand the magnitude of Christ's power. He did not know that Christ healed the bleeding woman simply because she reached out for the fringe of his garment, he didn’t even seem to recognize that Christ could exert such power. At this point, Christ was simply Peter's "instructor," and this is precisely how Peter addressed Him. When Christ had revealed His power over the creatures of the sea, Peter offers to Him a greater title declaring Him, "Lord" (Luke 5:8; Cf. Matthew 4:9). Each title offered to Christ by Peter was in response to a relative display of power. The revelation of Christ's identity was gradual even within the one who took the lead among the disciples. Peter was the first to recognize Christ as the Son of God, though whether He immediately understood the implications at that moment are uncertain. He did receive even further revelation which allowed Him to boldly confess Christ as God as time went on (Cf. 1 Peter 3:15-16). Peter applied many Scriptures which were a reference to "YHWH" to Jesus: for example, in 1 Peter 2:3 he applied Psalm 34:8 to Him. In 1 Peter 2:7-8 he applied Isaiah 8:13-14 to Him. In 1 Peter 2:25 he applied Ezekiel 34:11 to Him.
It is reasonable to assume that Thomas knew who Christ was at the same pace as the rest of the disciples. Though many instances were later recorded which reveal that Christ was fulfilling prophecy spoken of God, more often than not we find that the disciples did not understand what was relayed to them. Sometimes it was even worded so blatantly; the disciples were often left clueless as to what Christ was teaching them. When He spoke of "the temple of His body," they didn't understand until after the resurrection (John 2:21); and again, when He was glorified before His disciples, they were to keep this from the others until He had risen from the dead. The disciples immediately began discussing what "rising from the dead" even meant (Mark 9:10). They underestimated His capabilities and thought Him to be an apparition upon catching sight of Him walking across the sea (Mark 6:49). When He stepped into the boat, and the wind abated, “they were very much amazed within themselves” (verse 51). The disciples were still coming to a full understanding of Christ's identity. If His own disciples were amazed at His walking on water after already having heard of His authority over the evil spirits (Mark 1:21-28; 5:1-20), witnessing His miraculous healings (Mark 1:29-34, 40-45), His claim of authority over the law of God (Mark 2:1-12, 23-28), His power over the elements (Mark 4:35-41), and over death (Mark 5:21-43), then these could indeed be anyone. Chiefly, those who are so particularly careful to look through the Bible as conveyed by the Watchtower Society that they fail to acknowledge the Almighty power in Christ. It was not strictly the wicked who had let themselves become blinded, or hardened in the heart. Many times the disciples themselves missed the ultimate meaning. Their understanding of Christ gradually grew until finally, they saw who He was.
During the Last Supper, Christ spoke to the disciples and told them parables. In John 16:29, He had just started speaking more plainly, mainly of His origin, and the disciples even noted that He was speaking more clearly; some of the disciples said, "Now we know that You know all things, and have no need for anyone to question You; by this we believe that You came from God" (emphasis mine). They were still receiving revelation on the night that He was betrayed and that revelation was becoming more comprehensible as His Passion approached. During the Sermon on the Mount He said that when the disciples prayed, they must pray this way, "Our Father..." Now He is about to leave the world, and He leaves them with the instruction to pray directly to Him, He declares that anything the apostles seek, they are simply to "ask Me in my Name, I will do it for you" (John 14:14; KJV). There is a change that He is preparing His disciples for; not that He will become something that He has not been, but that He is now prepared to offer them a fuller revelation of what exactly that is. While He was still walking as man and preaching, while the disciples still had Him there with them, He said that His Father draws all men to Him (John 6:44), yet as He is preparing to leave this world, He states that He will draw all men to Himself (John 12:32). Their spiritual sight was about to be restored.
The closer it comes to His Passion the more is revealed, then He died. The disciples returned to their lives mourning the one who they thought would redeem them. Though their faith remained, they received a crushing blow as here He lies dead in the tomb. They didn't realize why He had to suffer and die. He returns, and Thomas can't bring himself to believe it, but when he sees Him, the full revelation comes together, and for the first time, He is called "my God" by a disciple. Though it was clear to the disciples that they had walked with God by the time that their accounts were recorded, it does not appear that they fully comprehended this before He had risen and offered to them the gift of the Spirit of wisdom and understanding. Christ is therefore introduced into the New Testament not merely as the product of a divine promise as others before Him, but as the offspring of both God and humanity.