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A simple effort to understand the beliefs of my family members has turned into quite an exciting journey.  I learned that due to my own neglect and irresponsibility, I had only blindly received Christ as God simply because that is what I was taught.  Much to my amazement, I studied my Bible only to find this humble servant, seemingly inferior to the Almighty God whom He called "Father."  With the aid of some poorly researched online articles, I came to consider whether I might even help to disprove the Deity of Jesus Christ, the Son of God; for a very short time, I even wondered whether He might actually be the Michael the Archangel whom the Jehovah's witnesses and numerous other commentators proclaim Him to be.  That I would fight so adamantly against these teachings is something that I hardly considered.  As some years have since passed, I can't help but laugh a bit every time that I remember the saying, “if you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans.”  




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